August news around the lake

Travel on MN Highway 47 in this neck of the woods? Road reconstruction started Monday, Aug. 14 and will last until later October. Isle to Aitkin. Details found here.

True to lake history, the Secchi disc reports that lake clarity is only about 21’ in August. As we use the lake we make waves, waves stir up the lake bottom and potassium is released. Another reminder to remove as many leaves in the fall and the spring as possible. Thank you.

Are you part of the 123? Thanks! 123 lakeshore owners so far have joined LLPOA for 2023. Forgot to complete that membership form? Never too late…..become a LLPOA member to help plan for the future, enjoy the now, and know you are part of the membership to keep Lone Lake clean for years to come. Click here for the link.

Last call for anyone interested in lakeshore assistance. Please contact by August 18. Willow wattle (more info) or coir logs (more info) could be an option to keep your lakeshore on your lakeshore. Waves challenge all of us and water levels change all the time. 

Almost September? Time to make sure Saturday, September 9 @ 9:00 a.m. is on your calendar. With winter (⛄️) not that far away, all hands needed to clean the roadsides before the snow covers the ground. Delicious coffee and rolls donated by Paulbeck’s County Market (thank you!) will greet you, meet neighbors, friends, and new friends, and assist with the clean-up. Only takes an hour, great example to your family of giving back to the community on the exact “volunteering” day in MInnesota.

Bring the family, the guests, and friends to help clean our roadsides. 

(Can’t make it that day? Please let us know which section you cleaned. Lately the public beach has had many visitors with more than desired trash left behind on the grass and sand. Check that area out on a walk and help keep it clean. Pay it forward!)

Another reminder to make sure you and all guests remember the “rules of the road” when driving a boat on the water.

Simplest is to STAY RIGHT when two boats are coming towards each other. Lone Lake has plenty of peninsulas that need to be taken on the “wider” side when you cannot see the oncoming traffic. If you cannot make that turn/curve at your current speed, slow down for the safety of all, especially when pulling a tow rope. Thanks from all boaters and the loons as well.