AIS Aquatic Invasive Species  | Barb Dusbabek

As the end of summer approaches and we start to think about removing our boats, lifts and docks let’s remember…

 C L E A N - D R A I N - D R Y

The DNR recommends these steps for lake property owners:

  • Look on the posts, wheels and underwater support bars of docks and lifts, as well as any parts of boats, pontoons and rafts that may have been submerged in water for an extended period.

  • Hire DNR-permitted lake service provider businesses to remove boats, docks, lifts and other water-related equipment. They have been trained on Minnesota’s aquatic invasive species laws and have experience identifying and removing invasive species.

  • Contact LLPOA (lonelakepoa@gmail.com) if an invasive species is discovered. We will connect you with the appropriate county representative.  

Attached is a link to an Aquatic Invasive Species Guide for identification. 

These few extra minutes can save our lake! 

How is Lone Lake in 2023?

The good news……our lake is often utilized by DNR regional staff to test equipment and other new items because of our clarity.

Most of the summer, the Secchi disc measurement (how far down into the water it can be seen) has been just above 20’. Usually later in the summer it drops into the high teens. What makes 2023 different? Is it the lack of additional rain? Is it the efforts made by lakeshore owners to keep leaves and other phosphates out of the lake? Is it helped by the big boats working to stay in the middle of the lake so as not to turn up the bottom of the lake?

We don’t know.

But please….keep up your efforts this fall. Get those leaves out of the lake as they wash up on your shoreline. (An icky job but it could be paying back benefits.) Thanks

More good news….the grant money that was to be used on a lakeshore project in 2023 will carry forward to 2024. Consider your lakeshore…..do you need willow wattle and plants to keep your shoreline on the shore? (Of course more evident during times of high water.)

Or would you be interested in a discount on a coir log?

Use these next months to consider what your shoreline is asking for in ‘24😜

Email lonelakepoa@gmail.com with your questions.