Gravel Pit Update

In lieu of a late-August LLPOA News Brief, we are sending you this short note to alert you to a few important and timely items:

The shoreline management workshop scheduled for Saturday, August 25 is postponed until September.  A new date will be communicated soon.

Mark Ritter, who owns the gravel pit on southeast side of the lake, notified LLPOA of plans to crush and haul gravel in early September.  Set-up of the portable crushing plant will start August 30. Crushing will begin after Labor Day weekend, starting on September 4th for 7 to 10 days, and then the gravel will be hauled away until the materials have been moved off site.  Our agreement with Mark is that he would notify the association of upcoming plans so that residents can plan accordingly.  We appreciate Mark's willingness to cooperate with the LLPOA and additional questions and concerns can be directed to him.

The annual fall Road Clean-Up will occur on Saturday, September 8. Meet at the public beach at 9:00 a.m. for coffee and rolls, a group photo, and team assignments.  Work is usually completed by 10:15 a.m. Many hands make for quick work!

LLPOA appreciates your support and your care for our beautiful lake.  Our membership has now topped 105 for 2018.  Thanks for another great summer on Lone Lake. 

 -- Steve Frazier, LLPOA President.